Theridian kurasavicam - Theridian is a deep-acting drug and is also used in incurable veins such as scrofula, caries or osteoporosis, tuberculosis, etc. While certain medications fail, they do come in handy from time to time. The first word of it - the increase in sound, that is, all its pains increase in sound, as soon as he hears a little sound, an abnormal feeling is created in his whole body, even he starts vomiting and dizziness.The pain in the teeth increases until the sound. So whether it is a toothache, a headache, a cancer, or a thesis, where we hear that the patient cannot tolerate any sound or all his pain increases with the sound, we will think of Theridian once. As I said before, Theridian cannot tolerate any sound.As soon as he hears the sound, his head starts spinning, he starts vomiting, his toothache increases. The girl vomited when she got out or when she got out of the boat.The therapeutic patient is always on the lookout to avoid a back injury, the slightest touch to the spine. The Theridian medicine is said to have been prepared from the spider's nest in the orange tree, so it seems that his patient loves to eat so many oranges.Strong desire to eat banana or orange, or do not understand what he wants to eat. Inflammation of the liver, abscess or cancer of the liver. Theridian should be considered if appropriate medications for caries, necrosis, scrofula and tuberculosis continue to fail. The left is more affected. It is very cold. Hunger, thirst is strong. Desire to take drugs.Loves to sing or speak. Everyone knows that eloquence is a prominent feature of decay. Therefore, when we notice such talkativeness in a patient with scrofula or erosion, we will recognize the sensitivity of the spine, then we will also remember Theridian once.Extremely apprehensive. Always wants to keep himself busy or engaged. Frequent urination at night. Hysteria at the onset of the season. But the increase in sound would like to be present everywhere.
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