Aesculus hippocastanum - Homeopathic Materia Medica is like a huge hospital and each of its medicines is like a patient-image or a living image of the disease. A visit to this hospital is much more accurate than the knowledge we can gain about the disease. But if you don't learn to see, you become a blind elephant. In fact, our Metia Medica is unmatched.Through medical science, his sulfur, his arsenic, his phosphorus physics seem to have brought an epoch. Who knew beforehand that all these substances have life, feelings, wills and reluctance? But has this direct identity of the Infinite in the midst of the limit - this bridge between matter and consciousness - this combination of science and philosophy - been possible anywhere other than homeopathy? The first thing Aesculus says is discomfort in the anus.In the first workplace of rectal Aesculus. Pain like a needle in the rectum, the rectum seems to have dried up. The feeling of fullness or heaviness in the anus, the feeling of heat in the anus, the burning sensation in the anus, the itching of the anus, the discomfort of something inserted in the anus is so great in the Aesculus that if the anus is excluded it does not have any features.In fact, the rectum is the main workplace of the Aesculus. Hemorrhoids for this is Aesculus Sen Dhanvantari. However, as the main cause of psychosis is blind hemorrhoids, that is, where there is no bleeding, Aesculus is used a lot. Hemorrhagic hemorrhoids have no right to it.It can be used for any kind of hemorrhoids if there is any discomfort mentioned earlier - heat or burning sensation in the rectum, needle pain in the rectum, itching in the rectum, feeling of heaviness or fullness in the rectum etc. - whether there is bleeding from the hemorrhoids or not. Hemorrhoids increase after defecation. Lumbar or lumbar pain is a constant companion of Aesculus Hippo.It is also present with constipation or constipation, it is also present with other diseases like hemorrhoids, leucorrhoea, uterine relaxation etc. It manifests itself so badly during pregnancy that women become bedridden without any erection. Unbearable pain from the waist to the buttocks or hip bones, as if it were breaking.The patient of Achilles tends to feel heavy in various parts of the body, as if blood has accumulated. Many times he thinks his hands and feet are swollen, but that is not the case, it seems that there is an excess of blood in the arteries or veins. Excess blood, rectum, uterus, liver, such a feeling of fullness or fullness everywhere. And where there is such anemia, it looks slightly black or purple.There is arthritis in the esophagus, there is gout - the pain shifts. Relieve heat. The veins in the ventilated area become swollen. The patient is extremely irritable, increased insomnia. Increases in cold and winter. The stomach is so weak that it cannot digest anything. Constant nausea. Acid vomiting. Pain in the rectum after defecation, rectal relaxation, uterine relaxation, constipation and back pain.Inflammation of the rectum, heaviness, lingering pain, lumbar rheumatism during pregnancy. Lumbar or back pain is a constant companion of Aesculus Hippo. The patient of Aesculus tends to carry weight in different parts of the body. This medicine is very useful in these cases.