Carbo Vegetables - There is no such thing as a carbo veg, this drug also saves a dying patient. Coldness, flatulence, indigestion, and the constant urge to breathe seem to evoke the full picture of the patient. Remember the weakness with this - the patient's numb state of numbness, just by looking at the breath it is understood that he is alive. Why does the fan want air?The patient dies due to lack of oxygen, suffocation so very loudly he is told to fan the air. I have said that there is flatulence - there is so much air circulation in the stomach that it seems that the stomach will burst, there is bad breath, there is temporary shortness of breath. Generally speaking, its patient is fat and lazy, his disease does not get better and usually goes to old age, bluish and black spots appear on the body and coldness comes.His vitality is reduced by taking too many drugs, or by discharging too much blood. Cholera, typhoid, etc. Collapse or frostbite, dead, but the head is hot, all the rest is cold, the pulse is almost not found, just wants open air, wants to fan loudly, opens doors and windows, easily faints,So weak that it cannot be said that he is not able to recover after any hard exercise, there is always a feeling of heaviness in the head, eyes, eyelids, stomach and body, rotten and toxic condition and irritation, measles, mumps or asthma after childhood cough. Harm from injury, bad after typhoid - if these shots can be remembered, then Carbo Veg can never be forgotten.Although Carbo Veg is more commonly used in young patients, it is a soothing drug that is no less effective in chronic diseases, especially after a young disease when the patient is unable to return to normal or is delayed in returning to normal.For example, a cold after a pneumonia causes a cold or a cough, or a small eating disorder after a typhoid fever, acid or indigestion, a pus in the ear after measles or mumps, bleeding after delivery or after a miscarriage. , Or Carbo veg should be considered once the uterus relaxes.Of course, during the treatment of a young disease, one can stop talking about the causes, relief, growth or diversity of the disease, but during the treatment of an old or chronic disease, one should also ask about the health of the parents. Therefore, when you go to a patient for treatment or hear that he was suffering from such a disease about a year ago or in a certain year and he has not been able to recover from that day or since then Carbo veg should be remembered.When young patients with cholera, pneumonia, etc. are frozen, breathing becomes cold even up to the tongue and the whole body is drenched in sweat, then longing for air, Carbo veg often brings the patient back from the brink of death. Whether due to respiratory problems or for any other reason, the Carbo veg patient yearns for air at the time of diagnosis and seeks air above the face.This is such a big symptom of Carbo veg that whenever we see in any disease the patient is saying - air, air, then we will think of carbo veg. In the case of cholera, when only the limbs become cold to the point of breathing, the patient becomes sore, the hands and feet become numb, and hiccups occur. If it is seen that the patient is anxious to 'breathe, breathe', then it Don't forget.Malaria fever is characterized by excessive quinine intake, mercury abuse, trauma, or any serious type of young disease. Bleeding through the nose, bleeding through the mouth, bleeding through the anus, bleeding after miscarriage, bleeding after delivery, bleeding without flowers.Bleeding is also seen during the seasons, lasting from one season to another. Strong convulsive whooping cough for irritation of the esophagus, constant urge to cough, coughing up the chest. Carbo's cough is much relieved when it is hot or when it enters a hot state. Convulsive hapani tension, as well as sweating. In all these cases this drug works great. In case of sore throat, drugs like Carbo Veg, Phosphorus, Gelsium, Kastikam etc. are used more.Carbo veg is used in the evening with dry cough. Carbo's soreness usually increases during the rainy season. The Carbo wound is deep, the wound is extremely irritating, it grows overnight and the wound gradually spreads upwards. Arsenic irritation is very irritating. This medicine is very useful in case of any sore or carbuncle or gangrene.Menstruation has a foul odor. During menstruation or leucorrhoea, it enters the vagina, causes sores in the vagina, itching and irritation. Pain and heaviness in the right ovary, swelling of the cervix, Carbo veg are effective in all these symptoms. In this, menstruation is quicker and more frequent. The head seems to be a heavy burden, it feels as if a heavy object is pressed on the head, the head is obstructed by a cloth.Hair grows back after a severe illness or after delivery. This medicine is very useful for those who have blackheads after measles or hemorrhagic fever, for very dry, thin foul-smelling pus in the middle ear, or for more opening in the ear. The gums of the teeth are perforated like a sponge, there is pain in it, the flesh of the gums is removed and the root of the tooth comes out, gradually the root of the tooth becomes loose, in this case this medicine is used.Cold from foot to knee, fingernails blue, thirsty. In hot weather - there is no thirst, terrible foot irritation, sweat odor or sour smell. Carbo is a useful medicine for this symptom. Carbo-veg is also a useful medicine in cases where the fever is not severe but the patient has been suffering from it for a long time.Carbo is useful if there is pus dripping from the wound for a long time without any kind of healing and the blood is contaminated from that pus and there is a hectic fever. This medicine is used for vomiting, chest and stomach irritation, flatulence, flatulence, flatulence, etc. Diseases due to exposure to hot sun or fire, vitality almost exhausted in cold state, body cool and bluish, patient just wants air, typhoid fever,Useful in hemorrhoids, diarrhea, toothache and sore gums, rotten foul-smelling wounds, sore throat, indigestion, cold from foot to waist and sickness, longing for air, etc.